1. | Address:Purok Bulahan, Poblacion Maragusan Davao de oro |
2. | Business Established : April 18, 2022 |
3. | Commutation Facilities |
| | WIFI -PLDT |
4. | Contack Information:Lanie Campoamor 0950708783 |
5. | Contact Number:0950708783 |
6. | Facebook: Mars Bistro |
7. | Name of Owner: Lelie M.Campoamor |
8. | Parking Area |
| | For 4 wheels’ vehicles 3 capacity |
| | For Bicycle/motors 6 capacity |
9. | Restaurant |
| | Catering |
| | Plate In |
| | Short Orders |
| | Take-Out Food Services |
10. | Source of Electricity |
11. | Total number of Employees - 2 female |
12. | Water Source |
| | Water Refilling Station |